“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” Or in this case, 1600 lbs of steel. Our customer was the proud owner of a Synergy 4 high profile stretch wrapper by Highlight Industries. This state-of-the-art pallet wrap machine features a Fast Film Feed for quick film change, and electronically controlled pre-stretch for ultimate flexibility.
Unfortunately, even the smartest packaging equipment can encounter issues when environmental factors, and inconsistent maintenance, create a harmful compound. This highly efficient machine was debased when its turntable refused to turn. Material handlers had resorted to placing pallets onto the stationary turntable, then manually rotating the base as the pre-stretch carriage dispensed film. This movement caused a rather grating metal-on-metal grinding sound, but the operations team had no choice if they wanted to continue shipping their product.
Anxious to get back to the grind… that is to say, back to normal operations, the plant manager dialed Best Packaging’s toll-free number: (888) 930-BEST. Best Packaging was able to send a service technician to the Northern Illinois facility within a week. The professional repairman effortlessly diagnosed the issue once onsite. The central shaft that causes the turntable to rotate was mangled beyond repair, likely due to challenging warehouse conditions and/or lackluster maintenance. This had caused the center bearing to lock up and the shaft had seized onto the bearing. Since the existing system literally came to a grinding halt, the bearings were beyond economical repair (BER). The only option was to replace the high-profile turntable, shaft, and central bearing.
Since Best Packaging is a licensed dealer of Highlight equipment, the customer service team ensured the right parts were ordered at the best possible price. While the customer awaited the shipment of the new turntable, a service technician began the Herculean task of removing the old table. Since components had seized up underneath the old turntable, extraction was executed with precision in to minimize further damage. The above photo depicts Best Packaging’s technician severing the old shaft to free the turntable above it.
A new turntable, shaft, and center bearing from the original manufacturer were installed by Best Packaging’s factory certified team. The turntable now spins smoothly, with hardly a sound.
If you want to ensure your high caliber stretch wrap machine is a smooth operator, we recommend enrolling in a Preventative Maintenance Program from Best Packaging. The service technicians maintain a detailed log of machine condition, services performed, and potential issues to watch out for in the future. Best Packaging calls for appointment reminders and service is scheduled when the customer agrees to an appointment time. Best Packaging can be reached at (888) 930-BEST or by following the link below.
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